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Ok folks.. The 200p has finally arrived.. Few minor issues mind you.. first being that one of the white plastic slider blocks on the base had fallen off & only the staple nails that held it remained.. Not a major issue as i manufactured a new one, & its working 100% now.. Second thing is I noticed 3 wee dimple spots (press marks) on the top of the tube below the finder scope.. I'm guessing this is common enough in these scopes? I doubt it will effect the viewing? All aside it's built & ready for action.. Mite check YouTube for a Collimation video..

One last thing.. Is it ok to keep the EP holder (without EP) in the scope while not in use?

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I leave mine in all the time, usually with an EP and the EP covered.

must be a good day for new Scopes! Mine arrived this morning, putting it together now!

Can you see the clouds thickening :icon_salut:

Congrats on your new scope, hope you enjoy it.

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The cloud here is savage at the minute.. I look forward to 3 weeks when I can finally get the thing out.. So does anyone know if these 3 little dents in the tube below the finder scope are normal, or if they will affect my viewing.. In the right light they are quite visible?

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i've just checked mine ( 250px but i would think its the same) but cant see any dents.

cant imagine it would effect viewing tho...

Just give it a good check over to make sure thats all thats wrong.

It'll give you something to do while its cloudy !

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It is new from the supplier.. but the little dents are tiny to be honest.. only see them in certain light.. & the bigger problem is.. If i send it back to the supplier, i'll be waiting another month for a new scope.. I've waited a month for this one.. Everything else is in good shape.. but I haven't viewed anything with it as it's too cloudy

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It is new from the supplier.. but the little dents are tiny to be honest.. only see them in certain light.. & the bigger problem is.. If i send it back to the supplier, i'll be waiting another month for a new scope.. I've waited a month for this one.. Everything else is in good shape.. but I haven't viewed anything with it as it's too cloudy

i see, i was imagining big dents in the body. as for the clouds....its all YOUR fault:rolleyes:

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Hahaha - I actually tried to take a photo & it's really hard to pick them out in it.. if you run your finger over them you can feel a slight dip.. It's massively unlikely they will affect viewing.. I'm just being OCD about it.. I'll post up a thread with some pictures of the scope etc when I find this ******** SD card reader, I think it's grew legs!!

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It's the usual dilemma. It ain't quite perfect, but at least I've got it in my sticky little hands!

Do the dents (or dips, or dimples) upset you enough to get all uppity about it with your supplier?

But oh, I just had another thought. On the outside, the dents might be just blemishes. Inside the tube, would they possibly cause minor reflections/refractions and thus diminish the quality of the image?

Edskimax, maybe you ought to consider doing a bit of flocking?

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Yeah.. I don't really know what that flocking stuff is.. I'm a massive noob!! I looked & I think the 200p is "kinda" double skinned.. I don't think the bumps are on the inner skin.. If you get me..

Also it's not about weather or not i want to get into it with the supplier.. It's weather or not I can wait another month for the next shipment of dob's? I think i'll stick with this one..

Now Cloud.. Don't make me tell you again.. Do one!!

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To be honest about 1mm.. 2mm at the most - It's three wee spots in a triangle - I'll get a few pictures tomorrow.. I really doubt it will do the scope any harm.. It's just the fact i know they are there.. You have to look closely to see them..

Also, If i'm taking a photo, i'm guessing it's a bad idea to use the flash down the tube?

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I've read that tiny dents/dimples won't make any difference at all.. Can anyone confirm if the flash is bad for the mirror? And also is it ok to touch the inside of the tube? I think the dents could it rubbed out..

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In my opinion 'for what its worth'

1 - flash wont harm the mirror, but it will bounce back and ruin the photo

2 - Dont rub it down

3 - there is a tiny lip at the opening of the ota which propably means the dimples are not even in the light path

4 - look at a truss dob, the sides dont even come into play with the path of light

Give the supplier a buzz, see how long a replacement will take, they may even deliver and collect the old one on the same day ... if youre lucky

Good luck with whatever you decide


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Yeah i mite contact the supplier... - but if it doesn't affect my viewing.. I'm not too bothered.. I'm sure it mite pick up a few more knocks along the way.. I actually looked down the tube today & the two threads from the screw-in handles come through like 1.5cms :S - so I guess the dimples don't really matter..

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I noticed 3 wee dimple spots (press marks) on the top of the tube below the finder scope..
.. but the little dents are tiny to be honest.. only see them in certain light..
it's really hard to pick them out in it.. if you run your finger over them you can feel a slight dip..
about 1mm.. 2mm at the most - It's three wee spots in a triangle

It's a rolled steel tube, the odd crease and dimple are not unusual and will not affect performance. Just leave them be and enjoy the views :icon_salut:

Your camera's flash will not harm the mirror.



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It is best you don't do that as you will probably leave a polished shiny surface. I'll say this only because you have already confessed to being a bit OCD (as am I) but if you can't live with these tiny dimples then you are going to seriously struggle when it comes to collimation and dust on the mirror. Trust me, l'm a dealer :icon_salut:

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A laser would be easier but it would compliment your Cheshire/sight-tube, not replace it.

A Newtonian telescope's performance depends on accurate collimation. Please keep the telescope's original packaging because you will need that if you decide to return it.

Hope that helps,


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