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Convert to GOTO

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I'm currently saving for a 300P dob, and i like the idea of the GOTO for all the things I cant find myself. The duel encoder system looks really good too.

Question is can I buy the 300P standard first and upgrade it later to a GOTO? I can't see the motors for sale seperately anywhere :/

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By standard I assume you mean a push dob? If it is the Flextube auto tracking dob then you could upgrade that with a handset but the push dob is s different story. There are ways to do it but it will cost you about £500.

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Is the GOTO really worth it? That a fair bit of extra saving ill have to do. Considering this is likely to remain back yard usage only. How many of those 42000 objects will I realisitcally see? I mean I am more than happy to find everything in the TL@O book manually.

Maybe the tracking makes it worthwhile? I see you have a flextube goto so you have experience with it :icon_salut:

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SkyWatcher is supposed to be releasing the GOTO dob bases on their own. No idea when they will be available in the UK. Judging by info posted on an Australian dealers website expect the 300 GOTO base to be in the £700.00 and up range though. :icon_salut:


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it's more fun with the dob mount get a telrad and mark the dob base with a setting circle [360 degree's ] http://stargazerslounge.com/beginners-help-advice/177863-help-dobsonian-mount.html and a magnetic angle finder [called a wixi i think like this Digital Angle Gauge with magnetic Base and have your very own manual goto [stellarium provides the angles]

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I think my GoTo is great but I originally only wanted a Standard dob, I then got the chance of a cheap flextube auto tracking dob so I bought that. I than bought a 2nd hand skywatcher 1145P GoTo which I swapped the handsets with and sold on as an auto tracking 1145P so my goto dob stands me about £60 more than a standard push dob. Easy for me to say it's worth it lol. I think if you ask those that have them they will say yes, if you bought a manual 300P and not the FlexTube you could then mount the tube on an EQ mount if you decide later. Ironically the standard Dob is more 'flexible' the the flextube lol.

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I'll definitely get the flex tube, i think a fixed tube will pose some storage issues due to its length. I like that illusion that the 300P flex is at least partially portable should an unmissable event happen (think asteroid impacting face of jupiter) and I find the need to drive out somewhere really dark!

If you had an option to get a 300P in 3 months or a 300P goto in say 7 months, would you wait?

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I think if I was buying the flextube I would go for the goto but then I have mobility problems. The main downside of the flextube is it needs collimating every time you use it, mine is moved about 5 feet from the shed in one lift but it has only kept collimation twice. Also if you are using it in your back yard then you may need a light shroud because of neighbours lights shining into the truss part of the tube.

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