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Woop telescope finally arrived!

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Bad start to the week because of having to go to the doctors from a chest infection, but when i got back i found my Skyliner 150p waiting for me which cheered me right up, and all i can say is WOW.

It took a while to put together and i really didn't expect it to be the size it was, i had a quick look towards some mountains from my conservatory and the detail i saw was stunning, now i cant wait to have a look at the Moon and Saturn for the first time, only trouble is these damned clouds, if only i had gotten my scope last week when conditions were perfect, but oh well at least i got something to look forward to.

I would also like to ask someone who owns the same scope if they got screw caps? I'm not bothered about them but in the manual it said screws and screw caps but i didn't get the caps.

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I dont own a 150p, but congrats anyway! you'll love it! ;)

And remember, with new equipment comes a free weeks worth of clouds so get comfy! (on a side note, the weather is looking bad for the next week) but that will give you time to get used to the mount/scope etc :)

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The weather report for my area is cloudy all week, except for Wednesday when it's apparently cloudy with a hint of moon lol, guess ill try and get a peek then, but i'm hoping the weather reports are wrong =p.

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Now you best get the wallet topped up, there's a pile of stuff as extra's, but you can download Stellarium that's a freebee.....

Yeah, kinda blew all my spare cash on the scope, gunna have to wait a while before i get anything else, but i already have an SLR and the SLR fitting came with the scope so i can always try out imaging at some point, i also need to buy a barlow at sometime or another.

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