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Laser Collimator Warning


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It has been reported there have been several incidents with laser collimators used by amateur astronomers exploding in their telescopes. This device fires a laser at the telescope mirror to help make adjustments to the focusing of the telescope.

A spokesman for Optics & Laser Technologies said “these are a chance in a million incidents. When a laser collimator is placed in a telescope focuser it shines a low power laser onto the telescope mirror. The beam is then reflected back up the telescope tube and back into the collimating device and on extremely rare occasions the two beams can collide perfectly head on, (very similar to the process in the Large Hadron Collider in Geneva) and his can cause the ruby crystal to explode,.

The chances of anyone being injured are very small as the laser generators are enclosed in sturdy metal housings for this very reason. I would advise anyone using these devices to wear protective gloves and goggles in case an incident like this ever happens again”

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No need to post this ca rp twice.

We all know it's only the green lasers it affects and not the red.

Although I understand if you mount the red laser collimators anticlockwise you can cause the same issue.

Be careful, or just buy a refractor ;)

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