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Another "I'm stepping into the void and need advice" thread

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Ok, sorry folks I appreciate these posts are rather frequent. I've had a read over the forum over the last few weeks and also been picking up a couple of mags (Astro now and SaN). I then, as advised on here, bought and read the book "Making Every Photon Count". Some of it twice.

So, I've reached the point where I need to dip my hand into my pocket. No wait, dip my hand into my wifes pocket and its a birthday gift for me :o

For now, I'm only looking at a mount. This will be coupled to my Nikon D7000. I'm really wanting to take things slowly, one step at a time. So my idea was to get a good solid mount for imaging and get to grips with it completely with only that and my camera for now.

Viewing I currently have a pair of Celestron SkyMaster 15x70 Bino's (with a tripod).

The logical step after that is to get some good glass. So I need to take that in to consideration when going for my mount.

So which mount? Well my budget is around £500. So I'm floating between the Skywatcher EQ3 and the EQ5

I admit that on reading I feel somewhat intimidated by the alignment process, though I guess that is better than steaming in to it feeling over confident.

I guess what I want is someone to say "yes, but that one" but I know its not that simple! I wonder if someone who is familiar with these mounts might be able to give some insight.

Also am I on the right track if I wish to use this to mount a DSLR and if so what else would be needed to actually mount it? I noticed the Dovetail bar that I "think" I can attached to the mount and then a Manfrotto quick release plate which I "think" I can then attached to the dovetail bar.

Then I guess is power, while I do get some good sky where I live, I'd also be taking my set up to my caravan due to its remote location. With this in mind I could power from my car. I noticed a lead that uses a car cigarette lighter plug. Assume these are ok?

A lot of uncertainty as you can see :blob10:

Finally, any other considerations?

Sorry for rambling on and asking questions you likely get every day!

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I'm watching this closely as your requirements and budget are the same as me but beware as I have learned...... Telescope stock in the uk isn't too great at the moment and know seems know how to pick up the phone and find out where the boat with the stock on is !!!


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My advice would be to look for a 2nd hand mount on HERE as although an EQ5 will be more than capable with only a camera if you then put a scope on it may struggle, depending on the scope, and you will need tracking at some stage too. You get some amazing bargains and as most astronomy gear is looked after you will get a lot for you money. The alignment process is not a scary as it's made out so don't worry about that.

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Telescope stock in the uk isn't too great at the moment and know seems know how to pick up the phone and find out where the boat with the stock on is

A company I have used and offers an excellent service (delivers anywhere in Europe, UK included, for about an extra €10 within 2 or 3 working days) is here: Telescope experts Astroshop

When you receive your purchase you inevitably find a little 'goodie' included of some sort. This time round I got a little guide book on astronomy and two bags of sweeties!

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My advice would be to look for a 2nd hand mount on HERE as although an EQ5 will be more than capable with only a camera if you then put a scope on it may struggle, depending on the scope, and you will need tracking at some stage too. You get some amazing bargains and as most astronomy gear is looked after you will get a lot for you money. The alignment process is not a scary as it's made out so don't worry about that.

Thanks for the reply. So am I right in assuming that the EQ5 is perhaps not "meaty" enough for both a DSLR and then a scope later?

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I notice actually it states that the max payload is 9kg. My DSLR is 700g and then say my largest lens is my sigma 500mm and that is 3.1kg so call is 4kg worth of camera.

That gives <5kg for anything else?

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Hi there JawD

If you only want to use your camera and lenses then I'm sure that you'll be OK with either the EQ3 or the EQ5..and you're on the right track with the camera attachment.

You could just bolt the camera to a short dovetail and away you go.

You can use any 12V supply to power your kit, so your car or caravan battery will do nicely, or you can buy 240/12V power supply to drive it from the mains - make use you get at least a 5 Amp rated supply if you buy one of these - Maplins are pretty good. Another option is get a "Powertank" - I hear 17Ah capacity is thought to be the minimum required.

OK - back to the mount. As I've already said the EQ3 or EQ5 are OK for cameras and lenses, but if you're thinking about upgrading in the future, you're on a slippery slope - it'll be a scope first, then a guide scope and camera, then a CCD and filters, heaters, etc etc etc. The point is that it's all weight..and if you get an EQ3 or 5 you could find yourself running out of capacity quite quickly.

If you listen to the seasoned imagers on SGL, they all tend to say that a sturdy mount is the most important thing to get right in AP. I started with an HEQ5 Pro..and moved on to an NEQ6 Pro last year because I ran out of weight capacity when I bought a SW 200p..and bolted all the other gubbins onto it - sure, it worked..but it wasn't really happy.

If you're serious about going into AP, I would consider the HEQ5 Pro to be a good place to start..and they do come up second hand for £500ish ( i sold mine for that) or if you can get an (N)EQ6 on somewhere like Astro Buy Sell then so much the better.

A point to bear in mind is that we're going into the summer now, and at the start of next "season" Skywatcher are bringing out a new EQ8, so if you can wait, there may be some (N)EQ6's looking for new owners.

Here's a advert I found on ABS just now - U.K. Astronomy Buy & Sell - there are bargains to be had.

Hope this helps


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