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Collimated my 1month old SW150P - Wow

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Just got a laser collimator and I was shocked how off my scope was. Both primary and secondary mirrors anyways thats it all sweet now and hopefully some clear skies tonight to see if this improves my viewing.

Will update you on the results.

I would recommend any newly like myself to get a tool or pop along to their local astro society (i have 2 locals 1 and hour and 20 min away and the other 50mins away not ideal) to get their scope lined up.

Also my SW8-24 zoom arrived today.

So the bets are for an overcast night tonight.

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I did it with the barlow and a med priced collimating laser. You can def end up with CCD compulsive collimation disorder!

Just had a wee play and alignment my spotting scope to some pylon tops and its looks sharper than before. So very excited and waiting for it to get dark tic toc, tic toc.

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I have the same scope and when I tested it with a laser it was miles out. No matter hiw I tried I couldnt loosen the screws holding the secondary mirror, I ended up twisting the spiders slightly! In the end I used a cap and adjusted the primary the best I could to line everything up. i am sure its not perfect, but I did a star test and that was ok so I intend to leave well alone. IMO lasers are rubbish and why oh why do they tighten the screws uo so tight?

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did you do a star test before collimation ? I've only had my scope a month and haven't bought a collimator yet as a star test looks perfect. Think I'm getting paranoid that my scope will never lose collimation !!

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Never star tested, just wanted to have a collimating tool in my bag. Throught the cloud breaks just had a quick look at mars, only thing visible. Huge improvement my 6mm in 2x Barlow was always fuzzy, now tack sharp and sure I was getting some detail off mars which I had not seen before then the clouds closed in so will just have to wait. The jump in quality on the 6mm is 100% and on the 10mm it was also crisper so it's looking like a good investment already. Can't wait to see Saturn in the 6mm with 2x barlow as only really got good look with the 25mm before. Will keep you posted after a clear night.

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