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M101 - First Light for QSI 683wsg


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Finally, after a few months of having my new camera sit about the house, I managed to get out and actually use my equipment on the weekend. This is the first time I've ever used a CCD camera, and the first LRGB image I've ever attempted. So I didn't quite know what I was doing, nor what to expect as a result. Nevertheless, I managed to capture 9x3min LRGB subs.

This isn't really enough subs by a lot shot, and it would have been much better to go for longer subs, especially for the L. However, I didn't have a lot of time on the target and wanted to produce something quick to get some experience using the camera and working with LRGB images.

Here is the result. It's not perfect by any means. There are satellite trails, blue halos on some stars, and a lot of noise generally. However, I spent a lot more time processing this than any other image I've ever produced and learned a lot in the process. Even though it isn't perfect, I am quite pleased with the result - and I know I can do better next time.

Let me know what you think.

EDIT: I will try to link to a full-size version in the morning. The upload looks significantly worse than the original.



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Here's my second reprocess of the data for M101. I only had 9x180secs for each of LRGB. I don't have the best processing skills yet, but I'm learning. Anyway, here's what came out. I think this time round I did a better job. I'm pretty pleased with it, but I'd like to see what more data will do. I really only shot 3 minute subs so I could experiment quickly and learn how to use the new camera and software etc.

It was taken with an Equinox 80 APO refractor on my NEQ6, guided with PHD and EQMac.

If no one comments this time, I'll assume it's pretty bad...


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Thanks Gina and Nick!

Can anyone comment on the way I've processed this? The second one that is. My first go was a bit of a disaster in retrospect?

I'm wondering whether the colours look ok or if I've gone overboard.


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Nice one Dave! M101 isn't an easy target. You did very well. The color of your first one looks better than your second one. The second one looks like it turned a little too brown.

Like I said, M101 isn't a beginner's target. M101 is one of the most difficult galaxies to process. Keep at it, you're on the right track.


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Hmmm, I think in the first one the galaxy is too green. Second one, I prefer, but possibly too brown like you say. However, I cleaned up a lot of other stuff in the image in the second go.

I think maybe it's just a matter of getting the colour balance right.

Next time I capture data, I'll have to try to calibrate the exposure time / weighting for R/G/B using a G2V star (is that the right code)? Maybe I have one in this image I can check.

So, it was a toss-up between M101 and M51, but I went with M101 being a bigger target for the relatively wide field of the scope I was using. Unfortunately my MN190 is out of action for the time being while I work on motorising its focuser.


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