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Jupiter 07/07/07 Registax ROCKS!


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Had to move the scope near the house for this one. The BIG ONE is so low on the horizon that I cant see it from my normal 'scope patch'. Couldn't polar align as house is due North from the scope's position. As pure luck would have it my rough guess of where polaris should be kept Jupiter in the webcams FOV for a decent length of time.

I'm presuming thats the Red Spot on the image ? Never tried to capture it before... quite excited if it is (takes little to excite me as you can tell!) :wink:


300 of 1800 frames stacked in registax, some tweaking in PSP

Just cus Im so impressed with how well registax performed on this one.. I just have to show my reference frame used


:shock: :shock: :shock:


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