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Long Exposure Advice - Newbie here.

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Hey people,

I recieved a remote for my camera today, I patiently waited for night time to get some long exposure pictures taken. The results are dreadful.

I was going to try some star trails but couldn't clearly see enough to make it worthwhile, so went for Jupiter and Venus.

Light polution tonight was not great, some mist/fog coming in and the lights are ruining everything. However, can anyone offer advice about the two pictures. How can I easily reduce the colour.

Pic 1;

Camera = Canon EOS 400D

F-Stop = 5.6

Exposure Time = 498 seconds

Focal Length = 55mm

ISO Speed = 100

Pic 2;

Camera = Canon EOS 400D

F-Stop = 5.6

Exposure Time = 1354 seconds

Focal Length = 55mm

ISO Speed = 100



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Hi Novarius,

I think your technique is a bit wayward.

In brief take a lots of short exposes and stack them.

I would go for 400 to 800 iso at 30 sec exposure time. This dead easy with the right remote control. Just set the shutter speed to 30 sec and the jam the shutter button down on the remote. Basically the camera will chug away until the battery dies. Get at least an hours worth of frames more depending on how you want the final result to look then stack them this this free piece of software:

Startrails application

Good luck

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