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Quick question guys...

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Im still researching my first scope and im going towards either the:-

Skymax 127 mak GOTO


SKywatcher 130p GOTO

would it be better to go for a less focal range (skywatcher 130p) to have a better FOV then use a 3 or 4x barlow for planetary viewing or going for more focal range.

Anyone know how the MAK 127 does with some DSO's ? i know i am limited with which DSO's i can see but the scope has to be portable and i cant afford a nice EQ mount etc...

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Not sure I am best placed to answer as I don't have a 130P but a friend has and I have compared them side by side. There is not much in it actually but I felt the Skymax has the edge optically.

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I recently bought the skywatcher 127 mak goto, and it fantastic. Dead easy to setup, good instructions included. I being using it to watch the moon, jupiter and venus.

I was amazed how clearly I could see the moons around Jupiter and the stripes in its atmosphere.

The other things I would recommend:

- get a power tank, they all eat batteries. check other threads on this.

- get familar with the names and location of the brightest stars, this will make setting up the goto that much quicker and easier.

- start with the lower power (e.g. 28mm) eyepieces first to get use to it before going for the barlow (X2 included) or the higher power 10 mm that included. You'll just get annoyed with juddering and focusing if you dont get some practice first.

- I would wait on getting X3, X4 barlows until you get some practice with the eyepieces / barlow supplied.

Good luck with whatever you buy.

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The Mak will be OK on smaller, brighter DSO's including planetary nebula and globular clusters.

I have a 130p and a 102 Mak - the 130 beats the 102 on all but planets, but I prefer the sharp optics of the Mak.

The Mak tolerates lower spec eye pieces due to its higher focal ratio where as at F5 the 130 will benefit from better eyepieces and can accommodate 2" eyepieces for even greater FOV.

The Mak will require little or no collimation, the 130 will need to be checked regularly.

Hope this helps


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