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Just ordered from FLO woohoo.

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Yay:hello2: I didn't think I'd be able to order my first scope until Friday,but I've managed to order it today.:icon_salut::hello2::)

Went for the 200p eq5 with a 5mm and 9mm x-cel ep's and a collimating tool.

Can't wait.Tools ready,hands ready and a shed load of coffee ready for some late nights over the weekend.



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Hi Danny.

Met office shows cloud for the forseeable future!

A suggestion if I may?

Set up the mount, tripod, etc in the house first go.

You are warm and dry getting the feel of all the bits fitting together. Learning scope balance, etc.

Next outside in daylight.

Use this time to align the finder with the tube using a distant object.

Finally. Wait for a clear night and be ready for the WOW.

I know all this daylight indoors stuff sounds boring. But it pays off later when sorting problems in the dark.

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Thanks guys.

David I'll do exactly what you say bud.I'm always building RC helicopters,cars and anything else that needs building,so I'm looking forward to the assembling and setting up just as much as the viewing.

I've downloaded the manual to study it until it arrives.

Order update,it now says 'Packing'.:)

This weeks grocery shopping has now been done online so I have an uninterrupted day tomorrow.


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I also have the 200p and I recently got an X-cel 8mm. A bit of advice. On your first night viewing use the supplied ep's on Jupiter if possible then when you switch over to the X-cel ep's you will truly appreciate the difference. Also the 25mm ep that is supplied is actually pretty decent. Not so for the 10mm.


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Just had a small delivery from the postman,the collimating tool and one of the x-cel ep's.thanks FLO.

Scope due tomorrow so only one sleep left now.:)

This eye piece feels like amazing quality.

I'll put up some pics tomorrow when the unboxing is done.

For now I'm going to do lots of reading and keep looking at stuff through this ep.


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