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How to delete old pictures

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Go into your album and edit the images :headbang:

Not wishing to be rude but that was pretty rubbish!! If (like me :D) you don't know where "your album" lives its pretty limiting when it comes to following the advice :)

Anywhoo. Todd, did you find out what to do? If its pics attached to posts this is what to do (I worked it out for myself) -

  1. click "Control Panel" on the top menu bar,
  2. on the left hand side there are a list of options,
  3. under "Miscelaneous" you should see "Attachments". Click that and you get a list of stuff you attached to posts.
  4. Select the ones you want to delete.

If you want to delete from an album you created (I haven't)

  1. Click on your name near the top of the page or in any post
  2. On the right side of the page you'll see "mini statistics", "friends" "your album"
  3. If you have an album I guess you can view it and delete pics?
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