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Shiney new Scope for my Astrotrac but not happy!

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You guys may recall my previous thread:


Well I went for the following:

AstroTrac TT320X-AG

AstroTrac Polar Scope

Manfrotto 055XPROB Tripod

Manfrotto 496 RC2 Ball Head (for DSLR use only)

Manfrotto 410 Junior Geared Head

And added to that:

  • 1 x Astrotrac TH3010 Head Package
  • 1 x Vixen-type saddle for Astrotrac TH3010 head

And as a small portable refractor for Astro photography / viewing I went for the following which arrived today:

Teleskop Service TS 65mm f/6.5 Quadruplet Astrograph

I went for it DESPITE some bad reviews but that's another story. First impressions are AWESOME! ;)

I put it all together today and it kind of took a while making sure that the TH3010 head / scope doesn't crash into the Astrotrac, achieving balance was a bit of an issue once the diagonal and lens was in place but nothing that couldn't be sorted. However, the whole setup seemed a bit top heavy and starting to move away from a travel setup. The tripod or maybe the 410 head (or maybe both) seem a bit light for the job and I was starting to get a little flexing all too easily. Any wind sheer would make imaging a write off on this mount. :(

I know the answer, I need a pier and a wedge but that wasn't the point. I wanted a travel set up. Its heading towards my HEQ5 in weight. :headbang:

Also, I'm not convinced about this Astrotrac head TH3010. You got to watch using it, one trurn of a screw and the head comes into two halves. Your scope and camera could end up crashing to the floor! Also there is a little brass 'thingy' that stops your maring the mount with the locking screw. I just know that some dark night that's gone!

Attaching the whole thing to the Astrotrac with camera screws seems a little feeble. Apparently you can screw the head to the Astrotrac with the three screws provided, however I'm not 100% sure how to proceed here.

There are three screw holes underneath for mounting, but on the top you would have to remove three screws that look like they hold the whole thing together so I'm not 100% sure how to go about it, any advice here would be appreciated. :D

I take it that the Astrotrac can be bolted to the wedge?

I just know I'm going to need to get the wedge and pier, I can feel my wallet groaning! :(

My scope weighs 5kg a the head weighs 4kg. Then there is the camera. So its building up. The pier and wedge package apparently weighs a further 12kg, so if you are flying you are starting to run out of baggage allowance. Still you could always just wear a weeks clothes during the flight to save room for all your kit! :)

Anybody with any advice re putting this kit together to make it more sturdy, or fitting the head to the Astrotrac, Astrotrac to the 410 head I would appreciate it.

I have found that opening the tripod legs to the second 'click' setting, making them nice and wide really healps stability.

Clear skies!


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An extremely helpful chap at Astrotrac answered my questions.

The TH3010 head and counter weight + the beefy 5kg TS65 scope is to heavy for the 410 junior geared head.

I need the wedge and a pier! Oh well, its only money! :D

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Maybe mis-understood the advertising blurb :D

Astrophotography Made Easy - Home

and I quote:

"For maximum rigidity, the TH3010 is quickly mounted to the TT320X with three supplied 4 mm stainless steel screws. Alternatively, if you want to do a bit of visual observing, you can simply mount the TH3010 straight onto your camera tripod using the 3/8 inch camera threaded hole in the base."

To be fair the TS65 Quad is a heavy little scope (5.75lb). Anyhow the camera tripod and 410 geared head they supply in the holiday package just isn't man enough, period!

I got carried away, thought I was being clever and it backfired! :o

I purchased the holiday package with the plan of using just the DSLR and a big lens, but a 200mm lens is expensive.

Then I had a Eureka moment! :headbang: Buy a little telescope, 420mm f/6.5 65mm and you can use it for visual AND astro photography, more bang for my buck so to speak. ;) The TS65 Quad only measures 340mm long!!! :(

I purchased the TH3010 head, this weighs 2.2lbs (1kg), the bar weighs another kilo. Then there is the counterweights, 1.3kg & 0.7kg (2.9lb & 1.5lb). The whole package weighs 8.8lb (4kg):)

Then on top of that you have the TS65 Quad and your camera.

I messed up guys. :o Thought that was me done spending money and got me a neat like visual/photo package, but it just hasn't worked out.

I have an Astrotrac package and camera but no lens and a nice little Astrograph and no mount. ;)

Oh well! Nothing for it, I just need to buy more kit! :(

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What about a scope pier and the wedge wouldn't it be cheaper. I'm gonna be doing the exact same in a few weeks when I get mine

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What scope pier you thinking of? Will the Astrotrac wedge fit any pier? Thought it would only fit their own.

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Wouldn't a simple EQ5 with dual motors have been easier.

The scope ypu have bought is pretty small and light.

I didn't plan the set up with the scope in mind. The idea was to use the scope on the Astrotrac in place of a Canon 200mm lens

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Remember most of the stuff is modular. The head, counterweight bar and weights with the wedge all went into my suitcase. Had a strange moment at Mauritius airport when security wanted to know what the metal "things" were. As soon as i mentioned Astronomy they lost interest and let me through. Even though I have the astrotrac pier i decided to take a carbon fibre tripod in my suitcase instead due to weight constraints as it only weighed 1.4kg.. It also has a 14kg load capacity (allegedly though never tried to that weight)


The astrotrac and the WO66 (and eyepieces and spare camera lenses) went into hand luggage without issue. One small but important item is the astrotrac battery holder and despite some initial worries it worked well all holiday. The pier despite the blurb is not entirely aircraft friendly if you want a suitcase with your clothes.

I like you initially went down the 410 head and ball head route and also found they were not up to the job.

If you want any further info you can pm me

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What scope pier you thinking of? Will the Astrotrac wedge fit any pier? Thought it would only fit their own.

i was considering either one of these

First Light Optics - Skywatcher Pillar Mount Support for HEQ5 & EQ6 series mounts

or a AZ3

First Light Optics - Skywatcher AZ3 Alt-Az mount

the az3 is what im leaning towards more as i can bolt the AT directly to a dovetail and use the slomo cables to get to the right dec (i asked a member who said they can get it to nealy the zenith before being a little wobbly so it should manege between 51 - 55 degrees i'll just use my wixy to help

im not sure if the AT wedge will fit a plate with a 3/4 or 1/4 bolt may be needed but the az3 should negate the need for a geared head between tripod and AT :D

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