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Building a Dob


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Hi all

Got my first scope when I was 14, took me 20 years to get round to learning the equatorial mount, at which point I decided that star hopping was more fun!!!

Recently upgraded to a SCT6" on an EQ 5 (brilliant!!!), but now have a burning desire to build the largest most space taking DOB that isn't gonna break the bank!!! :wink:

Advice would be most welcome..... Ahhhh stuff that........ Can someone help me pleeeeeeease?.......... I'm a big daft kid that ain't yrt learned patience!!! (or spelling by the looks of things :cool:)

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Hi Andy

Had great fun building my 12" DOB (see link above)

Main thing is that you build one for fun not economics, it's

more often than not cheaper to buy than build unless you intend

making your own mirrors (I had the mirrors donated luckily)

Anyway, what are you fancying building and good luck if you do :wink:

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Thanks for the sound advice guys :lol:

I kind of knew the (real) work that was involved in building a Dob from scratch, but still had this dreamy - 'Walter Mitty' - like image of me finding bits of scrap "stuff" and creating a precision instrument in a [glow=red,2,300]Blue Peter / A Team [/glow] stylie!!! :wink:

As for the mirror?!!!!!! :cool: (would like to have a crack at it though 12" would be ideal)

on a more brainwarp level:- Drive a vehicle at a constant speed of 200 mph and you could cove the distance of the Earths diameter in approx. 40 Hrs..........

Try this with Betelgeuse!!! :- 365 years?????............ Ahrrrrrrrr!!!!



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