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Wait for scope to cool... Then heat it up again with dew heater. Say what?

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Does doing this promote currents of hot air in the tube?

Managed to get away without active dew control for two months but on my last observing run - a full eight nights ago because of s*** weather, my session was written off after one hour. So need to get soem active control.

Researching this...

Thanks, Steve

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Cooling from ambient (indoors?) at maybe 20° (or more) C above outside is quite a temperature differential and will take a scope quite a while to achieve. Dew bands, on the other hand, may only have to raise the temperature of your scopes lens/corrector plate (usually the worst case) by maybe 2-3 degrees to get them above the dew point and thus prevent dew formation. It will take far less time for equilibrium to be achieved.

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