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Two scopes or One ???

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At the moment i have a 8 inch Sct and a William Optics 66 Sd Apo.

The focal lengths are F10 and F5.9.

IF i was to get a focal reducer for the Sct that would bring it down to F6.3.

NOW the question..........

Would you get the reducer and sell the 66 as the focal lengths will be similar ?,I would gain aperture over the 66 but lose out on portability.

What would be the benefits of keeping both scopes ????

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WO66: Grab and go, holidays, something to look through while the C8 is taking photos, using the FR on the 66 gives you an even faster scope, great for white light solar, great for bird watching, for Kai when he's a little bit bigger....

...and anyway the WO66 is a thing of beauty that gives pleasure just handling it

Keep it!


PS if you do decide to sell it I've got a friend who loves mine so much she wants one (in fact she's got mine at the moment :?)

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