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Registax 4 and moon

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I decited to try image stacking after seeing awesome results of some of the members .. :wink: but the thing is.. I don't have a clue how to do that! i found sackloads of tutorials how to stack planetary stuff, but none about moon :? Every time I try I end up with something that looks like a photo with a broken frame glass.. Would appreciate any advice.. :insects1:


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yes, I used Multi Point.


so should i stick with single point? Or Multi Point and do as you said? 'cause I noticed my images are not rotated at the same angle exactly, so don't think that single point would do. :? Well, Im mixed up completely :wink: But will try again

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Registax will correct misalignment up, down, left and right, but can't work out the rotation at all. If you imagine a load of pictures of a chess board being lined up using a bottom left hand corner of a black square, provided there is no rotation between images they should all line up. If there is any rotation the chess boards won't line up except at the intersection.

Kaptain Klevtsov

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There is no real difference in stacking the moon or the planets and I don't see how your images can be mis-rotated with a lunar AVI unless your movie is very long!!

I find that using the multi-point requires a real effort, way more than the simple method, but if you get it right, the results are worth it.

I tend to select the alignment points myself not let Registax do it, and as KK says, you'll need to play with the feathering, search radius on the optimise tab, and probably others as well!!

I would also use VirtualDub to split the AVI down into seperate frames, use Ninox to pre-align, centre and crop if necessary, use VirtualDub to recreate the AVI and then process in Registax. Seems a lot of work, but it saves Registax from doing too much!

Have you got a Stargazr account? If so, post up the AVI and we can play!!


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ehm.. That's a very tempting suggestion.. but.. I use jpg! :wink: I don't have a toucam or anything like that to do AVI's, that's why it is so hard :? I image with eithe Nikon D70 now or Kodak Easyshare, which is not the best tool without proper mounting, believe me :cool:

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