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Great, new security light next door!!!!!!


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Just when I thought things in devon were swinging in favour of astronomers with the new streetlight shutdowns that started this week, my neighbors have had a blumming security light installed:mad:

It seems to be so sensitive it will pick up the movement of an amoeba at 50 meters!!

Ill see how it goes but i might as well sell up if this thing is going to be blasting on and of all night.

Anyone else have problems with these things?

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I have the same problem in the winter, and only occasionally I am happy to say. My neighbours 2 doors to the left have a 5.2Million Watt floodlight mounted under the eaves shining down the wall above their back door, so that their cat can find the cat flap I guess. When the leaves are on the trees it is well screened and isn't a problem, but this time of year when they have visitors over, popping outside for a cigarette sets it off and I get scorched eyeballs.

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The best, and most likely to succeed approach, is to have a word about turning it off during your activity with the scope.

Tell him/her, that you offer a more effective deterrent than a high wattage light ever will. Potential thieves don't like the proximity of people. Lights don't put them off at all, they just hide easier in the very dark shadows they cast.:):)


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I have the same problem in the winter, and only occasionally I am happy to say. My neighbours 2 doors to the left have a 5.2Million Watt floodlight mounted under the eaves shining down the wall above their back door, so that their cat can find the cat flap I guess. When the leaves are on the trees it is well screened and isn't a problem, but this time of year when they have visitors over, popping outside for a cigarette sets it off and I get scorched eyeballs.

Your neighbors must be daft. Cats have superb night vision.

I'm considering sponsoring a roving band of thieves who steal nothing but security lights.:)


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all security lights by law ,should not shine more than 22 feet ,it should be angled ,as to not shine on to adjacent property's most council will help

have you invited the said neighbor round ?, if not do so asap,show him Jupiter and moons ,then get him to set the security light of and show him the effects of this,it worked for me failing that just report the neighbor to the council

now with street lights going of all over the country i should take a guess that security lights are going to become very popular i

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I'm keeping every jointed appendage on my body crossed: my neighbour's appears to have blown its bulb or whatever, some weeks ago, and so far they haven't got around to replacing it (or possibly they haven't noticed :D). NO WAY am I going to drop them any hints!

I suppose a lot depends on how you get on with your neighbour. Mine: well we have exchanged the occasional conversation and never descended into anger, but he's not the sort of bloke I'd care to ask a favour of. No aggro thus far and I mean to keep it that way.

they put the light under the Eve's so it lit up the whole area and she would come out for a smoke every 10 mins.
I thought she was more into apples and chatting with serpents, than smoking fags. But there! Times change.....:):D:D
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I think a lot of people just don't KNOW the potential "havoc" they wreak? Dodgy DIY'ers, busy "family men" etc. But I got a VERY positive response from the folks (not fairies!) at the bottom of my garden. Took a while, and a TACTFUL reminder to get their malfunctioning security light changed - Their Pampas Grass re-triggered it ALL night long! I promised them an "observing night" in return - Maybe one day (night)... I'm Not really "into" neighbours just now. Too many weirdos round here. And therein, I speak as a typical astronomer! :D

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