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CPC secondary warning......

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Hello guys,

Just thought I'd share my experience for anyone new like me.

Was looking into what this collimation business is all about. My scope seems spot on - I think. However, being the engineer tinkering geek that I am I was wondering where the screws were. My scope is a 2012 CPC1100 model and the screws are covered by a "Fastar compatible" colored cap - (as i now understand.....) As such, I think to myself "lets unscrew this lid around the edge", thinking it would unveil the screws....

Heart attack time, it completely removed the secondary and it pulled out of the corrector in my hand...... Without further ado I very carefully replaced it (there is a small notch that aligns it with the secondary receptacle in the corrector). The lesson here is that I coudl have easly dropped the secondary onto the garage floor were i not paying attention....

It turns out to reveal the collimation screws all you need to do is to turn the colored insert in the center of the secondary (the rubber piece with "Fastar compatible" printed on it.

This is probably obvious to people well familiar with collimation but not at all so for newbies. So just a pointer for anyone searching the forum in the future....!

Best wishes, Steve

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What you effective did was to unscrew the secondary, ready to install a "fastar" lenses assembly!

Wow !!! Gee, pinch myself that I could have broke the secondary so easily..... :)

OK, so when you use a fastar, how do you "store" the secondary? This is a mega delicate and easily damaged piece of tin.....

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