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Followed a link I saw today. Found a quick tutorial on 3D images.

Here is a rough and ready bash at a couple of mine.

Had to shrink and compress to post.

How to, (I reckon).

Sit a couple of feet away from the screen. Pick a clearly identifiable portion of the image - eg the horsehead bit. Cross your eyes so you get two images. You merge these two images into a third in the middle as your eyes cross. Alignment is achieved when that predetermined object joins up into one, (as the two merge). Then stare and relax for a moment and focus will come.




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Right is to the foreground, so move brighter stars that way. Move an object a little further one way or another can enhance the effect. I also found that reducing the image size and putting a black border helped.

Here is one of betelgeuse, (original picture taken last winter.


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Good one Anthony - it worked for me (I used to look at those 3D image books when they were popular). I find if you just sit and stare at a particular point for a bit, and relax without physically forcing your eyes to cross, your eyes will naturally fall into a crossed yes position. Once they are in that relaxed position, you can conciously, but gently (or you will lose the relaxed crossed eyes) focus on the central image. You can still see the other two images (one each side of the central one) but the central one dominates, and you can actually see the main view "set" inside a lovely 3D scene, with pin sized stars dotted in front, behind, and all over the main view - super!

(I'm from the planet K-Pak by the way!!)


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