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Best Jupiter so far

The Warthog

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I had the refractor out last night, and after spending a considerable time looking at the Moon, I moved over to Jupiter and tried a few things. At first, I wasn't getting any banding, although there was some visible in the 9mm Ortho. I switched back and forth between the 8mm X-Cel, the Ortho, and my 6mm Antares Plossl, and then added a green filter, per AM's suggestion. I was able to see the NEB using the green filter, and after a while realized I could see the south polar region, and occasionally the SEB. I changed to a yellow filter, and could see the same things, not as well, but the colour was more natural. After watching awhile the NEB got to be pretty constantly in view, and sometimes both equatorial belts were quite visible.

There is a cold front in place at the moment, that went through a day ago, and the air was pretty steady and the skies were darker than they have been. I looked carefully at Antares for some moments, and didn't detect any twinkling, so I think both the transparency and the seeing have been better than they've been recently.

I was straining my eyes to see the Ruddy Great Spot, but couldn't really see it, although I sometimes thought I could see a thickening in the SEB. I tried the Yellow, Green and Deep Green filters, and the Polarizing filter. With the polarizing filter, I also tried rotating the ep, to get light in different polarizations. It appeared that in some positions the view was better, but I wasn't very scientific about it, so I don't know for sure if it was just normal changes in the seeing while I was mucking about with the filter.

I took an mpeg through the X-Cel. It took over 4 minutes to get a brief picture of Jupiter, and I haven't looked at ti to see if there's anything useful there. If there is, I'll post it later.

It was, all in all, a very satisfactory session with Jupiter, making the best of what I have to work with.

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Pleased you got to see some banding WH.

I had a look the other night through my little 66mm refractor and

after some minutes of getting my eyes in tune I could just make out two


It was coming and going though and I could clearly see boiling on the edge

of jupiter.

Like you, I'll try some filters next time :wink:

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According to S&T, the RGS was transiting at about 2:00 AM, so It was probably on the western edge, but not well placed for viewing. There is a shadow transit tonight I hope to catch. If I do, it will be my first.

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According to S&T, the RGS was transiting at about 2:00 AM, so It was probably on the western edge, but not well placed for viewing. There is a shadow transit tonight I hope to catch. If I do, it will be my first.

I am gonna have a go as well. The sky is supposed to be clear from 6ish to 10ish but I hope it'll stay clear at least till midnight.

Martin :wink:

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Remember I'm five time zones away from you. You may not be able to see the same shadow transit. Jupiter's always a good subject, though.

Yeah, true. However I should be able to see shadow transit of Europa starting 23:22 local time. I will post some images if I get clear sky, which I hope I'll get :wink:

Martin :cool:

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