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Anyone here from west Cornwall??

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Hi all, I was wondering if there are any stargazers out there from the very west of Cornwall. Have looked for clubs in the area but have come up blank. Only had my scope for 2 weeks, would be nice to meet others in the area with more experience than me (not hard i know).

Jo :)

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Thanks James, will look into both of these. Was hoping for something a little closer tho. Us country bumpkins don't like to stray too far from home :), but I guess I may have to travel a bit.

Thanks again, really kind of you to help out

Jo :icon_eek:

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Oh, when you said "west" Cornwall, you presumbly meant "almost in the water" then?

I know the feeling though. I'm right on the eastern edge of Exmoor and to the best of my knowledge there's very little going on nearby, which perhaps means I should get off my backside and do something myself. Allegedly there's a chap in the local village who moved here because of the dark skies, but the only times I've seen his house at night it's been lit up like a christmas tree, so I'm not so sure about that.


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Ha yeah practically in the water here. Don't have to go far at all to be in completely dark skies, although this time of year not appealing to be away from central heating for long.

Sounds like you're in just as bleak an area as i am, but would not swap for the city in a milion years

Jo :)

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