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Which eye pieces should I buy ?

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Hi all. I'm a beginner and need some help with eye pieces.

I have only the 3 basic eye pieces that came with the scope (celestron 114). I'm led to belive these aren't great quality eps, so would like to get to get a few to offer good viewings of a range of astronimcal objects.

What should I get and where should I get them. Also, are eye pices standard fittings so can slot into any scope ?


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You can as much as you want on eyepieces! How much are you looking to spend on a set or each piece? A good quality Barlow lens would be a good buy too.

There's basically 3 sizes of fitting. 0.965", 1.25" and 2". All you really need to worry about for your scope would be 1.25" fittings.


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Some scopes come supplied with .965" eyepieces. The barrel of these is a little smaller than the average thumb. Most .965" focusers usually have an insert that can be removed to facilitate using 1.25" eyepieces. The 1.25" eyepieces are a little larger than your thumb.

Plossl eyepieces are a good choice for a beginner. They have a reasonable field of view (52 degrees) and are made by almost all manufacturers. I would suggest a 30 - 32mm eyepiece, a 12mm eyepiece, and a 2x Barlow. This will give you four useful magnifications, and will not overpower your scope.

Some manufacturers sell kits which include several Plossl eyepieces, filters, and a barlow lens. These are usually a good deal. Celestron has a kit.

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Thanks for the advice so far.

I'm looking at the Revelation kit from First Optics, and Celestrons Eyeopner kit. They are similraly priced. The Celestron kit also comes with a 2 x Barlow. (I have a 3xBarlow that came with the scope, but don't know if it's any good).

Both kits have a set of colour filters.

Which one would be better ?

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I bought this Celestron kit a couple of years ago. As I replaced my eyepieces over the years, I have sold off all but the 32mm and the 4mm (I like the 32mm and nobody will buy the 4mm) These are good eps, and you get a Barlow, which isn't particularly useful with this range of eps, but can come in handy when you are using other eps, later.

Fundamentally, it's a toss-up which one you go for. I can vouch for the Celestron kit being good product, and I hear the Revelation kit is, too.

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I've got the Celestron kit and think it's pretty good. The filters are very useful and you get a nice enough range of sizes. For a beginner (which I am too) it has proven really useful. However, the Revelation kit is of similar quality from what I can gather. Have a look and see what deals you can get.


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The Barlow effectively halves the focal length of your ep. Since the eps in the Celestron kit are pretty much halves of each other, and you wouldn't be using the 4 in your scope (Theoretically you can, but actually you can't,) you don't have a lot of use for it. If you were to get a nice, comfortable 12mm ep, however, your Barlow would turn it into a 6mm ep while preseriving the eye relief and other good features of the longer focal length. This is often more pleasant than squinting into a 6mm Plossl. The Barlow is also nice for filling in parts of your range that you don't have in your kit, which is why I suggested the particular eps I mentioned in my first post to you on the subject.

TBH, I no longer use my Barlow much, except when I want to max out my f'5 scope, as I don't have a 2.5mm ep, so I use my 5mm or 6mm and the Barlow.

You can't go too far wrong with either kit, though.

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