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Help and advise please

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Hi Guys

As i winged earlier, i have a PST which i am less than impressed with so far. I want pretty pics of the prominences, etc.

I have been using a toucam pro II plus webcam. But to date have been unable to focus the sun.

The general concensus seems to to be i need a barlow so i can focus it. Problem is i did before use a barlow before on this and it made little difference.

As u can imagine i am a little reluctant to spend more money on equipment that is not going to do the job.

So i am going to play really thick, can someone send me a link to a barlow that i can purchase which will do the deed on the PST?

Many thanks for your help


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Hi Al

Sorry I don't yet have a PST so not sure how much help I can be.

When I first used my 8" newt I found that if I pushed the barrel of my webcam all the way into the focuser I could not get any focus at all. So by adjusting the depth by which it connected to the focuser I found I could bring it all to focus......just like you have to do with certain eyepieces when there is not enough travel on the focuser. Does that make sense? :)

Perhaps you should pm Astroman or KK, they have a lot of experience with PST's.

BTW what is the view like at the eyepiece just generally obvserving?

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BTW what is the view like at the eyepiece just generally obvserving?

Generally observing its NOT bad, but not great

Trying to get the magnification onto the sun seems difficult.

I had high hopes for a 7.5mm eyepiece i purchased the other week, again the sun was not magnified enough.

Used a friends 6.5 mm same issue.

you do get to see falcae etc.

I am prob making a total fool of myself here. I am a little annoyed as well since my little girl wants to take pics of the sun we take into school with her.

The idea of not fully inserting the tube used with the toucam might also be the ticket. As you say its hard work.

Still another weekend is fast coming, i will no doubt be out with her again!



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Check the front of your objective - are there any 'rust' looking patches? If so, you need to contact Meade about getting it repaired. The early ones had a fault with the coatings.

There is no danger of unwanted energy getting through, it just degrades the image

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thanks all

to be fair i notice many have had inital image issues with the PST, but like anything else its about knowing ur scope.

I think i need to get a decent barlow for that and the meade.

Despite the issues i have seen promiences with it, even if i had to look hard. So it is a mag issue.

I will get there, its just one hell of a learning curve atm, got this scope plus helens to get to know at the same time.

all good fun though

thanks again


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Al, next time its sunny I'll try to point the Toucam through the PST and see what happens. I've only ever tried a mono CCD so it might be different. I'll also try to measure the insertion depth and the number of turns from fully in of the focus screw.

I still think that the problem is that you can't get the Toucam far enough into the EP holder which is why the Barlow would help.

Kaptain Klevtsov

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Cheers mate.

As i am about to take the "HA solar imaging" plunge you can expect a few more questions mate...

my advise, take it slowly

i am sure its going to be a grand journey, can see me getting really into this judging by the results we have seen so far.

thanks capt, if you could keep me advised as to your progress with the toucam, i would deeply appreicate it

cheers all


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