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They work quite well in an F/4.7 scope although there will be some distortion of stars in the outer 10%-15" of the field of view. The 36mm will give an exit pupil of 7.7mm which is most likely larger than your fully dilated pupil so some of the light gathered by the scope won't be getting into your eye. The 31mm gives a more manageable 6.6mm E Pupil although this may still be on the large side, depending on your age.

It might be worth looking at the Skywatcher Aero ED 30mm as an alternative which I believe is slightly better corrected at the edges of the field of view.

Both the Hyperion Aspherics and the Aero ED's are a step up from the Panaviews in terms of edge performance in fast scopes, in my opinion.

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Ok, why i want a wide field EP, I like DSO hunting, some can be seen in EP's some can't, the one's that can, i will use the EP for this will save a lot of to'ing and fro'ing using the Camera prime focus to take a 30 second exposure then check the rear screen for a grey blob, while hunting for M77 i found a grey blob this way, it turned out to be NGC 1055 it a 10.6 mag, i doubt i would ever find this in a EP, the piccy shows NGC 1055 just below the 2 brighter 7.75 and 6.65 mag stars...ISO 1600 45 sec unguided. So that what i'm up to and that's why i want a 30+ mm EP thats suits my scope


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