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Phobos and Demos?

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Just wondering, I spent a few minutes trying to spot the two moons with my 2" EP and was wondering if they were even visible in a 10" telescope? Both of what I thought might be it were very difficult to see and faint, but reminded me of what jupiters moons look like through the 10".

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Phobos is difficult to see because it's shape doesn't reflect the sun's light very well. However it should be possible, I have seen it but I couldn't tell you what set I was using at the time, Phobos is also tiny. Demos on the other hand I have been able to see although that was through a 14" dob with a 15mm and a x2 Barlow with filters. So I think it's possible with the right set up on a 10". These are my experiences however others might have had better luck! If I get clear sky's I shall try and see if I can pick them up on my 10" dob and report back!

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