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Big WOW!!!

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Hiya all, i got my first telescop on friday and have been outside every night since. WOW! the moons detail is amazzzzing. Ive also been lookin at Jupiter and its moons. Another wow! Im hooked.

The lense i got with my skywatcher 130p are a Super 25 and a Super 10, long eye relief. is my maths correct. Tube lenght 650/25 = mag x26 or x52 with x2 Barlow, 650/65 = mag x65 or 130 with x2 Barlow???

Should these be ok to view other planets? Should i be able to see much detail of Jupiter or just a small bluey/white disc with its four moons?

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The EP's should be Ok for other planets, though in all honesty, the only other planet that will give any real detail will be Saturn (which is wonderful) - as for the detail on Jupiter - on a good clear night you should be able to make out some of the banding - though the planet itself will never be much larger than you're already seeing.

Upgrading to better EP's will certainly help - but - don't rush in and don't expect miracles - Jupiter is a long long way away!!

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Jupiter at 65x should have shown detail, small disk and a couple of bands.

The 10mm and barlow may well not give a good image, they are both usually poor and combined the result isn't good.

You will need 130x to see Saturn when it gets to a good position.

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130x with your scope should not be pushing it. If you do not see detail on Jupiter, this may be caused by one of three things (or a combination of them):

(i) Seeing is not good. Jupiter should however show at least the main bands.

(ii) the EP is not great. Standard EPs, especially combined with a barlow, might not give the best images. Getting a planetary EP (about 5mm) will show more.

(iii) the collimation is off. A fast Newtonian needs precise alignment of the optical components to show the best image. If stars show comet-like appearance (or some deviation of proper, round shape) in the centre of the field of view (at the edges you get this even with good collimation), your collimation is off.

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I have the same scope as you and on a really clear night about a week ago I had an amazing view with the 25mm plus 2 x Barlow.

I could see at least two bands very clearly, and several moons. My main problem is focussing - even the tiniest 'tweak' takes you beyond focus, one way or another. After a fair bit of twiddling, I had a fantastic view.

Just keep at it.


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HI dhdeano

Welcome to astronomy, the more you understand what your,re looking at the more you will wow,

Saturn was my first wow, I thought someone was playing a trick and he stuck it on the front of the scope.!!

There are plenty more wows out there just keep looking.

Sometimes for me the wow is reading about what you have been looking at.

Regards Steve.

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Got scope last Friday and been out every night since. Well that cant be right or fair ha. I have had 45 mins of clear skies in 2 weeks since getting my new toy. Saturn will blow your mind when you see it, it did with me & my 130p. Welcome to SGL, Keep us posted on how you get on. Good luck and happy gazing.

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