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Saturdays Sun - 28th Jan


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I woke this morning to high pressure and clearish blue skies which makes a pleasant change! As I was setiing up I could see all the contrails littering the sky and the hint of some higher clouds on their way over. I wasn't optimistic of results as I looked at the preview image in ICCapture - the limb looked to have waves rolling around it and could occasionally see the tell tale signs of this high cloud over the face of the sun. Undeterred I carried on with my captures...

It was only when I saw the pre-processed images that were coming out of avistack that I knew that I was going to be in for a half decent image. Rather than use any wavelets i decied to adopt the smart sharpen method; I had to tweak my usual post processing technique, but i'm finding i need to do less to my images, which has got to be a good thing. It was finished off with a couple of very weak iterations of USM.

This, as usual for my full disks, is a 6 pane mosaic, assembled in IMerge, taken with DS40 @ f21, DMK31 camera. I present the b&w and colour versions; I prefer the b&w but know others like colour so this is shown aswell. How does the colour scheme work for you? I'm colour blind and struggle with 'shades' so critique appreciated...


full disk b&w by Mark Townley, on Flickr

Full size version HERE!!!


full disk colour by Mark Townley, on Flickr

Full size version HERE!!!

Hope you like them!

Mark :icon_salut:

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Thanks Kev, you have exactly the same take as me: way I see it is that as i'm only running at 40mm aperture and so resolution and hence detail is at an absolute premium and colouring it definitely takes the edge of what detail is there in the b&w version. :icon_salut:

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