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M32 and M110 at last!


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I've just been out to take advantage of a gap in the clouds with the deliberate intention of finding M32 and M110 (and, in fact, M33 as its in the same general area of sky) with the ST120. I missed them last winter, despite being able to find M31 with my ST80.

With a bit more experience at spotting "faint fuzzies" under my belt I'm now happy that I've located them quite clearly one on each side of the main galaxy. What surprised me however was how far away from the main galaxy they appeared to be when Stellarium gives the impression they're very close in. I'm assuming that's because with my eyes not fully dark-adjusted and with only the 120mm aperture scope there's just not enough light available to make out much except the brighter "core" area of the galaxy, which means when I get the 200P out on the NEQ6 (no intention of doing that tonight as the weather is exceptionally variable at the moment) it should look quite astonishing. I can't wait :icon_salut:

And yes, I found M33, too.


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Well done James.

With my 10" I can also only see the bright core of M31 from home but M32 and M110 just fit into the same field with my 20mm EP. I would hope it looks much better with dark skies.

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Glad you found them James - i was also surprised how much 'air' there is between them as they do look closer to M31 in photos. I guess all that gas is only visible from dark skies. They also fit all together in my 4" with a 20mm SWA.


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