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Seen my first satellite?

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I'm pretty sure I have. I was scanning with binoculars looking for the Triangulaum Galaxy between Triangularum and Andromeda and saw this faint 'star' tracking the sky at a consant speed- somewhere in between the speed of a high altitude jet and a low altitude jet. There were no flashing light and it steadily tracked in a defined path. I did lose it after about 45 seconds though as it was faitly faint.

Would you agree it was a satellite?

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Yes it probably was. Look up for long enough and you'll se plenty of them.

software is available that shows where and when you can see them. Apps are also available for smart phones that show everything in the night sky.


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Go to the site mentioned and set it up so it sends you details of when Iridium satellites are visible, when these things hit the light of the sun they cause a flare to be seen, if you are lucky enough you will see somepretty amazing flares, they only last a few seconds, but a great sight to see.

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