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Another first light - (ish...)

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Like the other poster tonight, was determined to have a go with the brand new CPC 1100 tonight. After all the garage practise runs I thought that even though it was clear was only for an hour (it turned out to be 45 minutes) I'd have a crack...

I set up, did my finder scope alignment (need to fine tune but Ok for now) did two star align on Polaris and Betelgeuse. All OK. A degree or so out so a little more fine tuning required.

So, I hit slew to Jupiter and even though it was small in the Pan 35 the view was fantastic. Amazed at the bands and colors !!!! It needed more than 35mm but clouds started to roll in big time:( Amazed at how bright the Galileans were ! Small disks. Never got time to try my Nag 17. What is clear is that I need more EP's, a 12mm and a Powermate, if i am to get the Jupiter disk bigger.

Most impressed with the kit thus far and haven't even scratched the surface with it. The optics are spot on.

I know that anything I see will be nothing compared to the spacecraft images etc but, boy, nothing quite like seeing it with your own eyes "live". I feel humbled by it, seriously, there for all those billions of years and here's my first go in a large aperture scope.

Brilliant. Roll on next clear night !!!


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Nice one Steve. My 1100 has apparently been fixed by David Hinds and is with 365Astronomy, but alas there it will remain until someone is home on Thursday to receive it from Fedex. A 6 week old CPC1100, 3 weeks away for repair and only 3 hrs viewing on 1 night!

Never mind, things can only get better ... well, maybe except for the weather!!

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