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Newbie... Skywatcher Skymax 127 SynScan AZ GOTO v Celestron Nexstar 127 SLT

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Second post on SGL after my welcome post.

Short and sweet....

I am nearing my search for my first telescope, I want to use this telescope with my children, I dont have a great deal of space for the telescope.

I have read guides on types of telescopes, I know I don't want a refractor or a Dob... I want a GOTO telescope which will give me assistnace and help me around the skies and I have got it to two.

Skywatcher Skymax 127 SynScan AZ GOTO

Celestron Nexstar 127 SLT

I have read these two are made very similarly. I am a total newbie to astronomy so could somebody please help me and tell me the main differences between the two ??

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  • 2 months later...


I have this scope and set up as well (only for a week hopefully)

I'm rather disappointed with the mount and the usage of the auto goto. I've really persivered with it but found it to always be very inaccurate. I've sought advice on here and nothing's worked!

I wish I had spent my money the first time round on the 200p on an eq5 mount. This is what I'm trading my 127 auto goto in for. The cost isn't that much different. Because I spent so much time trying to set it up with the auto goto I found that I learnt enough to not bother in the end and have been using it manually.

Someone on here may shoot me down in flames, but I'm just sharing my experience.


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I've always found the 127's GOTO function to be slightly out but nothing major. It's quite simple to find what you're actually looking for most of the time once it pops you in the right area of the sky.

Do keep your batteries fresh, though, or buy a power supply. The GOTO function does some seriously strange things when running low on power.

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