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stuck on a scope

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Hi all,

appreciate this is a real general question and probably one that gets asked 1000 times a month, so I hope i hope I don't annoy too many folk with this.

So, was looking at doing a fair amount of AP. While I will also be doing a fair amount of viewing, I want to be able to take photos of things that interest me. Was planning to look at the following types of things..

the moon


DSO's and nebulae


Comets etc.

While I appreciate i wont be able to photograph some of those, things like nebulae, the moon, planets etc I would like to photograph.

I've got a camera all setup for this so I'm ready on the camera front and on the software front. I do a lot of photography, so I'm familar with most aspects. It's just on the telescope front.

I understand, that I need an equatorial mounted telescope, I originally went for a Dobsonian, however I need the longer exposures and after reading and speaking to some, it might not cut it too well.

So preferably a computerised scope (GOTO) that tracks on a EQ mount would fit the bill.

Budget wise I'm ok, i'm willing to shell out if I have to, although breaching £1000 would be pushing it.

Would really appreciate any advice or help some folk could give as I'm struggling a wee bit. I live in the UK if that helps, with any distributors or vendors etc.

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A starting mount would be a HEQ5 Pro...about £700 ish

skywatcher do an Equinox 66 pro 'scope for around the £300 mark...

If you want to use for visual as well as A/P... the 200p + HEQ5Pro comes in under the grand

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I agree with both of the above, I spent 260 pounds on a Semi-apo which is just a tarted up achro, I wish I'd been told about the equinox 66, an Apo for an extra 50 quid = gutted:( And I've done plenty of research on the subject and I am sure that an HEQ5 is a very good place to start! A 200PDS would be fab as well although if you got into guiding the small Apo might be better weight wise and less of a wind catcher, although if you want to do visual as well, the 200P might be better :D

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thanks for the information folks.

I'll make a decision on whether or not to go for the 200PDS or Equinox 66 PRO tonight. Both look suitable for what I need, so will make a decision tonight. Working out the price (inc. the mount) there was not much difference to be honest so I ust want to make sure I make the choice I'm happiest with.

I've not included a guidance camera yet but will probably get one of those as well.

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Ok so will go with the HEQ5 PRO mount (about £750) and I think the Skywatcher 200PDS might be the best choice as I want viewing as well as just the AP stuff. Seems the most logical choice i think for what I am after.

Really appreciate the help guys, Once i get everything setup I will post some photos of my results!

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I think you've made a cracking choice as like you say the Newt will be more flexible for visual work, and with further thought if you get really into the imaging side of things you can always guide with a webcam on the 50mm finderscope in which case the weight wouldn't be an issue after all :) I'm sure you'll have plenty of fun with this setup, enjoy and please post your progress with imaging :)



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