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Equatorial platform

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I've had a Skywatcher 200P Dob for 10 months & absolutely love it, but I get a bit frustrated at being more or less limited to taking single shot photos of the moon, & also to a lesser extent by the frequent nudging necessary when observing DSOs.

I don't want to go down the GOTO road & I only want to do simple astrophotography ( moon, star clusters etc.) so I was thinking an equatorial platform might be the answer. I don't feel capable of making one but I came across the Watch House platform at www.equatorial-platfrms-uk.co.uk which looks very good although a bit expensive. Even so I think it could be the best upgrade I could do.

I would be interested if anybody has any experience of these & whether they would recommend them.



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hi Peter

I am certain this mount would work well and just as expected. I made one myself and it's great for high power observing. If I take a few minutes to polar align it then I can track for several minutes at 400-500x. Usually I just plonk it down roughly north and it tracks well at 150-200x with no problem at all.

you'll not regret getting one if you like visual observing and I understand they can be used to good effect for webcam based imaging too.

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I agree with Moonshane. They are a superb addition to any dobsonian and you should be able to get some fairly good short exposure images with one. I made my own http://stargazerslounge.com/diy-astronomer/134113-eq-platform-help.html but never got around to trying imaging with it which I will always regret. I sold mine in December but TBH I have never came across any others for sale S/H. I think the reason being is once you have one they can be used with almost any dob.

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Hi Moonshane

That's helpful. Do you keep yours pemamently attached to your DOB ?

And by the way I understand Messier 54/110 (Ii'm only up to 47 ) but what does lunar 66/100 refer to ?

when I made mine I wanted to be able to split the two so had three holes in the top board of the EQP whereby I fix the scope to the base. this makes it easier to move about; I certainly felt happier with a fixing to the EQP as my scope has a high COG compared to the weight as it's a 6" f11 dob.

the 66/100 lunar refers to the Lunar 100, a great way to enhance your lunar viewing pleasure with something to 'chase'.

I made an extensive thread here which may give you some ideas/help you understand the principles etc http://stargazerslounge.com/diy-astronomer/127311-equatorial-platform-dobsonian-telescopes.html

you could honestly make a usuable visual one with very basic hand tools and straight saw cuts.

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