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Mosaic Help Please..

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The attached image is my Horsehead Mosaic, its about 1 hour of 2 mins subs per area taken with my kit below and taken in the same session and stacked with DSS in mosaic mode

But you can clearly see its two images I don't understand why the dividing line is there and why the two images don't really blend ?

Pointers really appreciated.


John B


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I would stack each part seperately in DSS then do all your post processing on each image. Try and get the images (backgrounds) as similar as possible. Then use software like Microsoft ICE (free) to make the mosaic - it will automatically make any final adjustments and eliminate the "join". You may need a final "tweak" in your chosen software to get hings exactly as you want them.

I'm sure there are other ways to do this!

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I agree with Bizbilder - Stack and process each pane totally separately and then try and get each "balanced" as close as possible - You can do this either by eye and/or histogram. Another way to "automatically" fit them together is in Photoshop - file/automate/photomerge. I've used it a few times. As an example, here's a 3 pane image I started about a year ago with my DSLR (can you see the joins?) Stargazers Lounge - AndyUK's Album: MN190 & Canon 40D - Picture

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