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HC Issue

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After I input the Lat & Lon on the EQ6P HC and I press enter , the cursor(?) jumps back to the the third digit of Lon(W), no matter what I do it will not let me enter and move on to the next stage.

I updated the HC firmware to 3.27 ( from V3.25 ), thinking this might sort it out, no such luck.

Now the weird bit , I have also got an EQ5P so I decided to try the HC from this mount, diff' cable ( I swopped cable from the EQ6P ) but same HC and firmware.

It did the exact same as the other HC ! Could it be something to do with the actual mount ?

Clear Skies


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Now that I type that out , I'm wondering why Lon has two zero's showing .

Sure its only a four digit sequence? That said my Lon' is a negative number -3.95, but Im also sure if W is selected after Lon , then it takes that as the neg number ( E would be positive ) . Co - ords are right , unless theres been a huuuuge Pole shift.

Never had this before , perplexed !

Mount is also Pier mounted and PA 'ed.

Clear Skies


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Thats the way I am inputing them, 003 95W 55 95N , when I go and enter, it jumps back to the Lon numbers ( usually the third one , sometimes it jumps to Lat number ) . I just key in the numbers , after each number the cursor moves to next in line, I don't put decimal points in there.

Appreciate the help.

Clear Skies


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