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Guiding issues, Maxim and EQMod

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Ok been out again last night and had a few issues... I'd really appreciate some help.

1. Started all the software in the same order as usual, PHD first then connect to camera and mount. When connecting to the mount it starts EQMOD and everything works good :)

The I start Starrynight 6 and goto the telesope tab and connect and for some reason it starts a second process of EQMOD? I restarted the laptop, stopped PHD and SN, restarted them in different orders and no matter what I did when I started the second bit of software that connects to the mount it started EQMOD for a second time (which wouldn't control the mount.

It doesn't normally do that - what did I do wrong?

2. Every time I run Maxim 5, I get a windows installer pop up saying that it need to install a feature and that it cannot find the file it needs Maxim DL V5.msi... when I click cancel (I have to do it twice) it works fine - but it happens every time!

Any thoughts?

The last issue is in the guiding itself, I'll post up some images later - but it's a kick in the Dec axis - the graph isn't showing anything major. I did have the log running so can post that up. But it's on every frame - which is odd.

Any tips on the first two issues would be greatly received.



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I suppose the obvious question is is everything up-to-date? I presume your running XP, If so is automatic updates running? There's been quite a few VB and NET revisions lately and this could impact on ASCOM programs.

My own firing order is as follows.


EQmod plugin for above

PHD, camera first then mount

Maxim (5.18 is latest version)

Ive had strange happenings with Maxim in the past and a re-install usually kills any weird start up messages.

I always start the planetarium and fire up the mount from there as in my mind everything revolves around that and the mount :D, in the past Ive had strange happenings if I start Maxim first as this will take control of the mount first and the Sky6 didn't really like that, doesn't make sense as poth runs with the first instance of ASCOM that is initialized and everything thing else ASCOM will look for a running poth (I think thats right :) )

Anyhow to sum up, if everything is up-to-date I'd just experiment with the running order of you ASCOM programs your using.

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Thanks guys - I think that the run as administrator might be the key here... can't believe that I didn't think to try that.

For the everything revolves around the guiding hence PHD first and the mount. I tend to stick to one object for a whole night - so SN Pro is further down my priority list. But maybe that'll have to change.

It's going to be clear tonight so I'll try that and report back - thanks very much for the tips.

Any idea on the maxim thing?


Not sure if you can see the elongated stars from this image. I'll post up some crops...


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Cheers Rob, I'll sit and have a re-install when there are clear nights on the horizon :) Gimme time to do it and make sure it workds :D

Cheers to Chris and Goerge for the other tips. Running as administrator has done the trick!

Odd though as I'm logged in as the administrator!!!



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