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DMK Firewire Cameras

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I have the Mono Dmk too, just run a test and used a lighting mast at the harbour about 2 miles away the focus is Rubbish because of the heat haze but the Codec’s mentioned above all work ok, cant see any difference between them, probably best to stick with the Y800 for a comparison of results from other users.

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I have the Mono Dmk too, just run a test and used a lighting mast at the harbour about 2 miles away the focus is Rubbish because of the heat haze but the Codec’s mentioned above all work ok, cant see any difference between them, probably best to stick with the Y800 for a comparison of results from other users.

I you tried stacking in Registax? I know some codecs will not stack in this program but the Y800 definitely does.


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Been playing around with the DMK, one thing I have noticed is that at a frame rate above 30 fps if I download the avi to a memory stick and transfer to another computer the image quality really suffers when processed in Registax, any ideas why?

Both are running Vista.

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Sorry should have made it a bit clearer, I am saving to HDD on the laptop then transferring the avi to a memory stick to put on another computer.


Well then thats just plain wierd. Either there is some corruption going on putting it onto the stick, or it happens getting it off the stick. I thought, like Gaz, that you were saving direct to the stick. If stuff gets mangled in the transfer by memory stick, its something else going on.

Kaptain Klevtsov

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