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Roll Up! Roll Up! Come and have a laugh!


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Thats right folks, roll up! roll up! come and get your hysteric laughter here!

Come see my useless attempts at imaging saturn and venus!





I used a variety of exposure times between shots, thought I had it in focus. I know that the shutter is shaking the tube which probably didnt help. Feel free to laugh, comment, or tell me to give up on imaging unless I'm gonna learn to do it properly :police:

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Any single exposure Planetery is going to be tricky Akyra

if i were you and i wanted to get some planetery shots (remember Mars is on its way soon 8)) I would go the Webcam route and do some Avi stacking.

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I still have that webcam I hacked up, now that I know how to get 'more inward travel' on the focuser this might be a better solution.

The problem with film is that its a long process, with digital when you try something you get an instant result and can change a setting if you aint happy with it.

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When you have learned all the why's and wherefores about astro imaging, and you eventually get it all together and start producing great images, don't ever be afraid to look back at these pictures, don't be afraid to show them to others, and say. This is where I started.

What these images are showing you, is that you are taking your first steps on a road that will eventually lead to being a successful imager.

Believe me, nobody is laughing at these pictures, because we have all produced images like these. I kid you not.


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I guess thats why Digital imaging is so popular as opposed to Film.It means the likes of me can produce a half decent image without the guesswork.

Incedently i think Film imaging is more suited to long exposure ie Dso and i have seen some lovely feeling Film images.

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Akyra- those pics remind me of the intro to the X- files :D, saying that I don't have any serious imaging equipment at present and those images look very similar to an afocal shots I took the other night of Saturn when it was about to cross the moon.

I admire the fact that you put that kind of shot on the site , I suspect lots of people have similar but decided not to post them.

Unfortunately, the answer to improvement probably means shelling out some cash.

The truth is out there :police:

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Wont learn nowt unless I post my progress, CH :police:

Bracketing? I think the exposures I took were between instant (errrm 125/250?) and 5 second mental count. I spent ages focussing it to best I possibly could, tightened the focuser screw to stop it losing focus, and used the cable release, hence why I was a little disappointed after my best efforts.

I just tried the webcam on THE 'electric pylon' (LOL) and found it hard to focus as well as the SLR, what made it harder was the boiling. I recorded a short AVI anyway, and tried to run it through K3CCD with little success - I have absolutely no idea what I am doing, trying to understand the helpfile.

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Based on my similar failed attempts, they look very overexposed. I don't have any Saturn pictures on file, else I'd suggest some ISO/shutter/aperture settings to try. I'll have a go at weekend, weather permitting.

Don't be embarassed by attempts at anything. My father-in-law occassionally brings out his early family photos - blurry piles of c4rp. He's now a Fellow of the Royal Photographic Society! Practice, practice, practice... :)

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The only time i have ever laughed at your images was the one with the daft red hair doo..

All kidding aside you DON'T get laughed at on here for imaging whether you are just learning or not.....

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Don't dispare Akyra. I'm sure that most of the guys here will tell you that when you start imaging the failure rate is high

and that's using digital gear rather than film.

So you won't feel too alone have look at this effort of mine. Taken on the 1st April,All Fools day! Still, never mined the

quality look at the width!! :)

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After a little fiddling in PhotoImpact I came up with this :


I knew I had Saturn focused when I took the picture, shame it didnt turn out as great as it looked in the EP.

Hey Akyra, I have just had a thought, that this image of yours could have been the catalyst for the new Olympic 2012 symbol.

Ther is a marked likeness don't you know.

Ron. :)

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After a little fiddling in PhotoImpact I came up with this :


I knew I had Saturn focused when I took the picture, shame it didnt turn out as great as it looked in the EP.

Hey Akyra, I have just had a thought, that this image of yours could have been the catalyst for the new Olympic 2012 symbol.

Ther is a marked likeness don't you know.

Ron. :)

No,no,no,no,no! Akyra's image has much more class and I bet involved more effort!

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Although I doubt it cost almost 400 Grand.....

I think the lad should raise a stink.Somebody has blatantly stolen his Idea, and I think he should at least get a fully kitted out C14 a top of the range Sony laptop, and a Skyshed Pod with all the cupboard spaces in place. All this couple with a 6 month highly intensive CCD course with Ron Wodaski.

He should not settle for anything less.

Ron. :)

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Somebody has blatantly stolen his Idea, and I think he should at least get a fully kitted out C14 a top of the range Sony laptop, and a Skyshed Pod with all the cupboard spaces in place. All this couple with a 6 month highly intensive CCD course with Ron Wodaski.

He should not settle for anything less.

Ron. :o

:) Me just point at sky and press button :)

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