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Jupiter Focus Issue

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I am a new owner of the Skywatcher 200P.

I live in the Italian Alps and Jupiter is very low on my horizon at 2300 hrs..

I am not getting very clear views of Jupiter.

The planet is very bright and shimmery, I can just make out two faint bands on Jupiter in between the shimmers. I don't seem to be able to focus the planet that well.

Is this because I am looking through too much atmosphere due to Jupiter being relatively low on the horizon?

Is this the wrong time of the month to be looking at Jupiter?



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My guess is that it's mostly caused by viewing the planet when it's low in the sky and, as you have said, you are looking through a lot of atmosphere.

If you download the freeware software Stellarium and set your location and time in it, you can find out when Jupiter will be higher in the sky. Your views should be much improved then.

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1670 meters altitude.

I managed to get the time to have a look at Jupiter at 1900 hrs and things were much better. I could see Jupiters bands and in colour too.

I managed to buy a second hand EQ6 pro skyscan mount for 700 euros and will take delivery of it next week.

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