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Window Shopping for a Telescope

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Hi everyone

I have ordered Turn Left at Orion, and booked a trip to an Observatory :(. Got my binoculars out and used them everytime the moon comes out of the clouds :o so off to a good start. But I cant help myself window shopping for a telescope!

My question is : Is Orion the same as Skywatcher?

We're looking at Skywatcher Skyliner 200P, which seems to be very popular with everyone on SGL. Apparently has a lot of 'bang for your buck' or wow factor. What accessories do you need? Is it easy to set up?

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The skyliner is indeed quick & easy to set up, as for accessories... a cheshire collimator is a must have..to insure the mirrors are correctly aligned. Stellarium is a good free download. as for eyepieces...use the supplied ones until you settle on things you want to view... planets or deep sky.

If you google StarGazing Live on BBC... many observing groups & Clubs are holding open public viewing evenings (15 - 21 Jan) ...find a local one...pop along & try out the 'scopes..ask questions...then decide

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unless im mistaken, basicly the skywatcher skyliner dob and the orion dobs are the same, apart from colour and other very minor differences. i think they are both made by same company out in china. and both have exellent reputations.

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As said above, Orion and SkyWatcher are both manufactured by Synta in China. Many of the bits are identical, some are simply a different colour. There are some small differences in the mounts though but nothing exciting.

Orion Optics UK is a different company altogether. They have a very good reputation for quality optics.

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I bought the 200P dob as my first scope and used in once then sold it to another SGL member, the problem i had was i had to crouch over it too much and using the finder scope to navigate was a pain as you tend to be looking at the side of the scope, instead of in the direction of the stars as the finder is right angled, you could use a straight through finder but this would require a nibble body indeed.

Best bet is to try a few scope combinations out first before you commit to buying one, or my advice would be a 127 or 150 Mak with a good tripod and a quickfinder, which is portable, easy to set up and also a very versatile scope combination for DSO's, Lunar & Planetary viewing.

Good luck.

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Thanks Everyone!!

Really appreciate all the advice from everybody. Orion_the_Hunter - I read your review which is very helpful ;-) . Thanks to DOBBY, RORY , Twotter. RikMcRae - those scopes on Orion optics UK looks VERY nice too!!! GazofCorra thanks also for the advice. I will stop hovering over the buy now button and have a try out first, though have to admit the Skyliner is winning me over...................................... ;-)

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