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Celestron Eyepiece Kit - focusing

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I was lucky enough to get the celelstron eyepiece kit for xmas to go with my newly aquired Nexstar 6SE. Last night was my first play with them and I quickly noticed that the smaller the eyepiece the harder it is to focus to a point where the smaller ones are impossible to get anything clear. The objects I was targeting were Jupiter and the Moon, both nice and close to each other last night.

So my question is, is this normal and why might it be occuring. i.e. is it simply a magnfication of the atmosphere and therefore due to poor seeing or is there an optical reason for this ?

many thanks,


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Do you have the kit with the 32, 16, 9, 6 and 4mm ep's? If so the 32mm will deliver x39 and is a good low power / finder ep, the 16mm will deliver x75 you will use this often, the 9mm = x138 and will be good for close ups of DSO and planets again you will use this often, the 6mm will give you x208 this you are now getting to a point where the atmosphere above the UK will start to cause interference and you will often find this magnification is too high, the 4mm = x312 you will use the rarely if at all unless it is for viewing double stars.

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It is probably a combination of seeing conditions and the high magnification you're using. Although the rule of thumb is 2x per millimetre of aperture in the UK the norm is 1x to 1.5x mag. I have an 8 inch Dob but rarely magnify above 200x which is fine for the majority of objects.

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Thanks for your replies. I have 32mm, 17mm, 13mm, 8mm & 6mm + 2x Barlow. It certainly feels as if there is a need for finer focusing at the lower end.........


I am here: Google Maps

Certainly the 32,17,13, and 8mm will perform VERY well under good (normal UK conditions). The 6mm might be a bit more difficult. That will take nights of extreme good "seeing".

The 2x barlow is pretty low quality and is only a stocking filler in the kit. With the EP's that you have..................you really dont need to use the 2x barlow.

Its all about "seeing" and to be honest thAT have not been good of late.

Your scope the Nexstar 6SE is not at fault. It is a more then capable scope.

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Hi KoE,

I've got the same scope as you and also the Celestron eyepiece kit as well. I have to say in the six months I've had the scope I've never used the 6mm piece, for the reasons the other guys have stated - the seeing conditions have never been good enough. The others though had a fair bit of use, and yes the scope itself is fab and gives some pretty spectacular views... when skies are clear enough that is !

Matsey :)

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