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Best place to store a telescope?

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Hello, I'm soon to be ordering the SkyWatcher 8" Dob as my first scope. Been wondering about the logistics of storing such a massive scope though. My bedroom is upstairs, so I'm pretty ceertain that I don't want to be lugging it up and down every night. But I also know that storing it downstairs might be an unpopular decision with the rest of the family :p

Would it be a particularly terrible idea to store it outside in a shed? Or would the damp play havoc? I have 2 options a small brick shed or a small wooden shed.

Failing that, I'll just have to clear a corner of the back room.

Thoughts and suggestions appreciated...

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I have the same scope and i keep it in my back bedroom.

When i want to take it out i take it out in two pieces, base first then go back for the OTA.

Id never keep mine outside because i like to keep it nice and safe indoors.

Sorry i forgot to mention that it doesn't really take up much room but it is quite high,so it will fit into a corner quite nicely.

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Yes, I'm thinking that might be the best option, keeping it in a corner in the back room downstairs.

Do people not keep it outside mostly for security then? I'm just thinking that I would be easier/more convenient and mean less cooling down time?, but not sure if the damp/condensation might cause more problems than it's worth?

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Damp/dew/condensation is the enemy - so long as you have means to combat that, you should be fine storing it in the shed.

I too though have a corner of a room allocated, so long as I think to put it out around tea time, cool down isn't an issue as I don't go out until the kids have gone to bed.

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