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technical help - binocular chair


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ive had a bash at assembling an in-expensive binocular chair that will help me hold my 70x15 celestron bino's steady. Being a scot and miserable to boot, ive designed this around an existing computer chair which will still be the primary function so saving some cash on a new chair.

The design whilst a bit rudamentary does provide greater stability for the binos and flexibility at the same time as the chair both rotates and reclines to a certain degree.

my problem is that i could do with an other 10 to 15 degrees of altitude to make the mount truly effective as currently i can only achieve approx 60% elevation (any more will make it more likely to fall over)

Ive attached a couple of images and would appreciate any ideas that do not require a major rebuild?

thanks in advance





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Is there a turnable knob beneath the seat anywhere? My computer chair has one that makes it easier or harder to recline.

Either way that's a great mod :) If this chair I'm sitting on ever bites the dust enough, it'll be a good candidate for your mod :(

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Hi there Asset189.

Nice mod.

To gain the extra elevation needed try this.

Sit in your chair and mark the tubes where the center of you head will be.

Cut the two tubes at this point and insert 2 number 90 compression fit elbows at right angles to each other in each side.

This will form a step/pivot in each arm.

You will need to either shorten or lengthen the front bar depending on wether you step it in or out.

Tighten the compression fittings so there is enough tension to hold the binos but will still allow you to raise or lower the binos to the height required.

This mod will allow you to place the binos in any elevated position you require.

I Hope that makes sense.

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Thanks for the encouragement folks.

Reggie , yes re adjustment knob but it is as far back as it will go .

Steelfixer , im lost a we bit now, any chance you can sketch your mod and scan it in ? alternately im considering trying to insert a 45% degree fitting half way along each of the side tubes to give the elevation required.

The front tube is designed to rotate on its axis so the limiting factor would only be how far i wish to crane my neck before it gets uncomfortable?

What do you think ?

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Hi again

Cut the side tubes in line where your ears will be when sitting looking through the binos.

Put a 90 degree elbow pointing horizontally outwards on both side tubes sticking out from the back rest.

On the cut off side tubes (bino end) put another 90 degree elbow facing inwards..

Join the 2 sets of elbows with a short piect of 15mm tube.

You will have to lengthen the bar that holds the binos to compensate for the elbows.

The resulting joint will allow the bino end of the side tubes to pivot on the elbows.

As you cut the side tubes in line with your ears the Binos will pretty much stay the same distance from your eyes no matter what angle you raise them to.

The elbows are standard 15 mm plumbing compression fittings.

The type you do up with a spanner as opposed to the solder type of fittings you have used already.

If you are still confused I will draw it up for you tomorrow when I get into work.

tube i-----------i

.. .....i... ..........i

.. .....i .. ..........i--------- tube

... ....i

... ....i binos........chair

... ....i

... ....i...... ... ...i--------- tube

.... ...i..... .. .....i

tube i-----------i

You should end up with an arrangement like the red lines above.

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Ha ha, well done Steelfixer , got it.

Her in door will just love me arriving back from homebase with more materials on Christmas eve. ill post more pics when its done.

ive currently got the computer seat back in place again , so i can do the mods to the pipework on the homebuilt one.

thanks again

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I love it you must be professor pat pendings relative :)

Sent from my GT-S5670 using Tapatalk

Wacky Races ! showing your age there. I could show mine and change my user name to Steve Zodiac (bet thats lost a few folk)!

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It might be worth considering a counterweight on an extension above the binocular to help balance it. :)

Thanks Peter but your getting a bit technical for me now, can you explain how i can achieve this please?


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Now solved the elevation issue with a route one approach! I removed the chair recliner assembly and with the assistance of a good mate , some heat , brute force managed to "adjust" the angle of recline by approx 20 degrees. i can now see overhead without any discomfort. Thanks again for the mod idea SteelfiXer but being a tight git i naturally decided to try this first rather than buy more fittings and pipe!

I still have an issue with the weight of the binos causing them to rotate forward on their axis so still have to support them with my hands. I like the idea of a counter weight as suggested by Peter above. can anyone suggest where i can get a small weight that would do the job?

thanks in advance

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Great idea for a chair.

Don't want to get all health & safety on you but you may wish to consider the final design.

If those binos slip you may receive an almighty crack in the face (or worse lose a tooth).

Some sort of simple stop bar (or even a bungy?) below the binos perhaps?

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Great idea for a chair.

Don't want to get all health & safety on you but you may wish to consider the final design.

If those binos slip you may receive an almighty crack in the face (or worse lose a tooth).

Some sort of simple stop bar (or even a bungy?) below the binos perhaps?

Yes i see what your saying, but as no one else will use this contraption except me - "On my own head be it " in more ways than one

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