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Seben moon filter

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Has anyone had any experience with Seben moon filters? It's the cheapest out there, however I notice it doesn't mention anything about exactly how much light it cuts out, and I have heard some dodgy things about Seben scopes.

This is it here: http://www.ebay.com/itm/Seben-Moon-Filter-MF1-pure-glass-31-7mm-1-25-/380392606375?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item58912a8aa7

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I have one of these filters (dont ask how or why)

Anyway they are pure glass and from the colour I would say they are manufactured from recycled green bottles.

If you want to see what the moon (or anything) looks like bright green then this is the perfect product for you.

As far as using it as a filter don't bother.

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