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NGC1491 in Ha


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This has been a really frustrating image taken in my new obs with everything now I think finally working. I eventually got the focus sorted in narrowband, which was difficult enough in itself.

So here is an Ha image of NGC1491, I would absolutely welcome any thoughts with regards the processing as I have found this really difficult. Perhaps it was just a tricky image to process!!

Mount: HEQ5

Scope: SW Evostar 120ED

Camera: Atik 314L, Baader 1.25" 7nm Ha filter

Subs: 12 x 1200s (4 hours total)


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Looking good Sara....nothing wrong with the focus!!

It's surprisingly noisy for 4 hours....I don't know this target....did you have to stretch the image quite hard?

There's a bit of a gradient showing....any flats used?



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Cheers Rob - Stretched and processed to within an inch of it's life, which is clearly showing, but I couldn't see it at the time!!

No flats used and no gradient removal in PI either, this is just as it was.

Having another play now!!

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Not too shabby at all Sara :)

Like Rob I don't recall this target, so not sure what it "should" look like. You quite often get a lot of noise when you stretch narrowband targets. There are things you can do to lessen the effects.

How are you focusing? Manually? If you have a bahtinov mask, select a really bright star, not necessarily in your target, centre it, and then run your focus routine. With a Ha filter in place the mask will produce a series of dots, and by going in close to the star check out the first 3 dots. When they are equally spaced your focus will be perfect, lock it and then move to target. Apologies if I am teaching granny to suck eggs :(

If the temperature is varying much through the night, then do check the focus from time to time, as it will vary.



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I used the very good Bahtinov grabber programme to check focus. Although I didn't check it during the 4 hour run. Temp didn't change too much really.

Yes, yes Olly!! I did do some flats but when I stacked the first 900s batch they made the gradient really bad, so then I read and learnt that I need to do bias as well - So it ALL got binned!!

These were aligned and integrated in PI - Must see how to add flats and bias.

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