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Unless someone has any bright ideas I've given up trying to take video with my Powershot S95 because it's impossible to adjust the exposure sufficiently, especially with the moon as bright as it is at the moment.

I snatched this single shot of Schickard and others last night in a brief gap between scudding clouds in a howling gale with the scope visibly shaking and before the torrential rain came. Tonight doesn't look as if its going to be any better !



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Great image Peter. Lots of sharp detail :)

Some of my best results have been a-focal. I struggle with over exposure using webcams and I have no way of increasing magnification with my DSLR. I feel my best picture to date was with a mobile phone. I think as the camera and lens is so small you can get an ideal position at the eyepiece lens. Most modern camera phones have an array of settings and with some offering up to 10 MP there's a chance of getting large, sharp, detailed images. Plus the good thing is most people have camera phones of one type or another so you don't have to worry about getting expensive kit.

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Thanks guys. That's a good idea Markt - I'll try that when the weather improves. I'm sure I'd get better results if I could do some stacking.

I'm now using the Baader clickstop adaptor to support the camera. It's a bit fiddly to set up but seems to work.

The EP was a Baader Hyperion 17mm with x2Barlow

Here's another shot from the same brief session, this time with just the 17mm EP.



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