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Image stacking for newbies

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As a beginner in Astrophotography i would like to know the simplest way to stack images. As a photogrpaher i am quite used to Adobe CS5 but never really used it for Astrophotography apart from editing single RAW and jpeg images. Can Astro image stacking be done in CS5 directly or would i need a plugin of sorts. Failing that what other program would be suitable for a beginner ..


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If you mean stacking several DSLR images of deep Sky Objects then Deep Sky Stacker is the one to use. Its freeware. If you want to stack webcam .avi's of the Moon and planets then either Registax5 or Avistack (both freeware) work well (Don't use Registax6 unless you like bugs with your software!).

It is also possible to stack DSLR images of the Sun or Moon in Registax (I often stack 60-100 solar DSLR images at a time when doing "full disc" images with camera and scope).

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Also what would be the best exposure times to use for stacking. I will be using a Nikon D700 - 28-70mm Nikkor - Sturdy manfrotto tripod. Is RAW the most suitable mode or jpeg ?

Obviously i'm not using a motorised system so will only be able to get star trails etc. If i wish to progress to shooting a stacked and tracked object with a longer Nikkor lens what would be a good motorised mount to buy at a reasonable price ..

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Can Astro image stacking be done in CS5 directly or would i need a plugin of sorts.

There is excellent stacking software available to do this as explained above but you can use PS to do this task. The procedure is as follows.

Load the first image and paste the second image on top then change the opacity to 50%. You then continue this with the other images - a full description is shown here.

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Looking at the received answers I have thought of asking the same questions about starting out in imaging.

Have downloaded the links and will now give it a try.

Thanks all and especially Volusian for asking the question!

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Help! :icon_confused:

I've got a really nice avi of Jupiter where it moves from the left of the screen to the right, but RegiStax fails to recognise the round image I have given it as a key. The alignment box keeps jumping around the screen, whereas the planet moves very steadily. Here's a single (obviously not stacked) frame to confirm that the image quality is good. I can see the barge and the pale GRS. Original size and colours.

Read RegiStax manual, but to no avail... Please help :rolleyes:


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You could download "Castrator" (strange name but true!). This allows you to automatically "cut" the planets disc from each frame of the .avi. You can then stack in the usual way using Registax.

This app with an unsexy name is indeed the eye-opener. Compare the attached (regi-stax'ed) image with the above!


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