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Which DSLR camera?

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Hi all

I am thinking of possibly buying a second hand DSLR camera, mainly for piggy back wide guided images, but also some prime focus via an adaptor. I have come to a decision that a EOS Canon seems to be a reasonable starting point, but I am unsure of which model gives the best value. I have been considering either the 1000d or the 1100d.

Please could you advise me on your recommendations?

Also I have noticed many comments/footers that mentions modified and un modified, would someone also please give me some explanation/guidance as to what this means.

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Either the 1000D or 1100D will be OK (the 1000D is now out of production & the 1100D is its replacement). These cameras have a blocking filter in them that cuts out the red end of the spectrum. Many objects that the astronomer wishes to image produce light that is red and hence blocked by the filter! So, by removing the filter -"modding" - you allow this red light to reach the cameras sensor and therefore be collected as part of the image.

This is best seen in many different red "emission Nebulae".

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The filter doesn't block all the Ha (red) from the image so you can still take pictures - its just that they won't show the "full glory" of the object. You can, of course, take pictures of galaxies with the unmodded camera where the effect of the filter will be much less noticable or clusters where it will make little difference at all.

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Is there no alternative to the mod ? I have seen a pic by pic thread on how to do the mod but it's nothing I'd want to be doing to a new EOS.

Neither would I :) The alternative is not to capture the Ha signals - you can still take astro images ;)

You have two options mod wise I guess.

1) Buy S/H (my 450D is my 2nd astro camera, and will have the mod done because it's S/H)

2) Buy one that's already had the mod done - but then I guess warranty is not going to be there / at the decision of the modder.

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