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Will an Orion SS Autoguider be ok with my cpc925 & oag?


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I'm looking for a suitable Autoguider for my CPC925 & off axis guider and was wondering if the Orion SSAG would be ok?

Reading around it seems as though a much better option would be a Lodestar Autoguider, but the £400 is more than I want to spend.

Are there any other decent autoguiders I could use instead?



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You don't bombard the chip with light in an OAG so a sensitive camera is a good idea, as is one with a good chip size. There were a couple of Atik 16ic cameras on the For Sale boards and I have been using a pair myself for several years. They're brilliant. Another favourite is the QHY5, I think. I haven't used one but lots of people do. I also have a Lodestar and like it a lot. Guiding, especially at your kind of FL, has to be right and is worth a bit of investment.


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For 90% of the spectroscopic work I do with the C9.25 and the C11 (I use a beamsplitter instead of the OAG) the QHY5 works well.

I also use the ATiK16ic on one of the spectroscopes, but will be changing to the Lodestar in the future (ease of fitment and focus)


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No, my beamsplitter is a 4% reflective and 92% transmission to the spectroscope.

The big difference obviously is that I can aquire my target star, position it on-axis (for the spectroscope slit) and then guide on the star....indefinately!

EDIT: I should say the size of the pick-off prism has nothing to do with the brightness of the guide star..it's just like guiding on a star image from a diagonal - no real light loss. The only impact, obviously, is the amount of the FOV you can work with.

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